🔥 The Future of AI is Modular: Insights from ModCon 2023




December 4, 2023

The iconic Macintosh Lisa at the Computer History Museum, symbolizing the shift from early computing to the AI age. Source code available here if you want to rewrite in Mojo 🔥


Today, the landscape of AI development is on the brink of a transformative change. I had the opportunity to witness this first-hand at the ModCon conference in San Francisco, where the convergence of ideas and technology marked a new era in AI and computing.

The Shift in Computing Paradigm

Traditional computing, once dominated by single-threaded CPU performance and programming in languages like C and C++, is now undergoing a significant transformation. The deceleration of Moore’s Law and the rapid ascent of AI necessitated a new approach - a pivot towards multi-core hardware and accelerated compute.

However, this transition was met with considerable challenges. The software industry struggled to keep pace. A universal solution that could support all AI hardware without sacrificing programmability or performance was sorely missing. This led to inefficiencies, with AI engineers constantly rewriting code, hardware makers facing innovation hurdles, and high costs coupled with underutilization of resources.

Modular’s Thoughtful Approach

Modular’s presentations at ModCon 2023 offered a wealth of insights. I’m eager to share some key takeaways, even as I continue to reflect on the full depth of the information presented. The Modular stack empowers AI developers to program in Python while achieving unparalleled performance. In my conversation with Chris Lattner, it became clear that he and his team are committed to not rushing the development process. They are focused on creating a developer-friendly product, ensuring that the Mojo programming language is not just efficient but also accessible. Mojo, as Chris puts it, is akin to “Python++,” offering the simplicity of Python with the power and precision of languages like Rust - a true beacon for future AI development.

Sharing moment with Chris Lattner, inventor of LLVM, MLIR and CEO of Modular company behind Mojo 🔥

Key Announcements at ModCon 2023

MAX: Modular Accelerated Xecution

The centerpiece of ModCon 2023 was the unveiling of MAX - Modular Accelerated Xecution. This comprehensive suite simplifies AI infrastructure, providing everything needed to deploy low-latency, high-throughput generative and traditional inference pipelines. Anticipated to be available in both a free Developer Edition and a paid Enterprise Edition in early 2024, MAX is set to revolutionize the field.

Partnerships with AWS and NVIDIA

Modular also announced key partnerships. With AWS, they’re introducing the MAX Enterprise Edition exclusively to AWS production services, optimizing performance on the AWS Graviton platform. The collaboration with NVIDIA is set to unify and simplify CPU+GPU development for AI, leveraging NVIDIA’s accelerated compute platform.

New Features in MAX Engine

MAX Engine now boasts new capabilities, such as Mojo integration, GPU support, and the release of Mojo SDK v0.6. These enhancements are designed to substantially improve both performance and user experience.

The Future with Modular and MAX

Modular’s MAX is a groundbreaking addition to the AI landscape. It’s not just about boosting performance; it’s about streamlining AI development, making it more accessible, and paving the way for groundbreaking AI applications. The partnerships with AWS and NVIDIA further emphasize this, promising unmatched performance and ease of use for AI developers.


Reflecting on my ModCon experience, the potential of MAX and Modular’s technology for the future of AI is evident. It’s a future where AI development is more cohesive, efficient, and potent - a future where AI engineers are equipped to unlock new possibilities and bring their creative visions to life.

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